Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
50 Simple Ways To Reduce Stress at Home and at Work
- 1. Breathe, when you feel tense, take 10 slow, deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth.
2. Touch, hug someone, hold hands, stroke a pet, make non-sexual physical contact with people, brush your hair.
3. Communicate, be honest with your Self and others. Ask for what you want. Express your true feelings when they occur.
4. Drink at least eight, 8 oz. glasses of good water a day. This flushes toxins out of our body.
5. See the humor in life. Laugh at your self and life. Have fun and "play" at life.
6. Meditation 15 minutes a day. Take time to relax, sit, breathe deeply, quiet your mind. Record In-sights and dreams in a journal.
7. Be Human. Let up on yourself. Forgive your self and others. Slow down and enjoy being alive.
8. Communicate with friends. Spend time with each other. Share the good stuff.
9. Hug three people each day. Relax and enjoy the feeling of
10. Quit worrying about the Future. Concentrate on what you can do NOW.
11. Make a TO DO list of your agreements for each month. Schedule both play time and free time, and do both activities.
12. Write it down. Make notes to yourself. Make a list. Write special dates down on your calendar. Put it on tape.
13. Say "NO" Allow yourself to say "NO" to some requests. Don't over commit yourself. Put yourself first; say YES to you.
14. Clean it up Recycle old junk and papers. Clean your physical and mental house of old garbage.
15. Wear comfortable, clean clothes, that make you feel good about yourself.
16. Avoid doing anything to excess, even having fun.
18. Express and receive love as often as possible to yourself and others.
19. You always have choices in life. Re-Order your priorities. If you are not happy, choose some- thing new.
20. Express your anger to the person involved the moment it's experienced.
21. Be honest with yourself con- cerning your fears. Ask for more information or assistance.
22. Crying is nature's way of releasing toxins from the body, releasing stress, or expressing joy.
23. Change is constant. You can choose to change your choice anytime you want to do so.
24. Trust your Self, and value your needs and choices. Follow your own intuition.
25. Live in the moment. Stop fanta- sizing about "What If ". Choose from what IS available, Now.
26. Feel good about yourself and your choices in life. Value what you Believe in. Walk your Talk.
27. Forgive yourself and others. Withholding Love does not nur- ture relationships.
28. When you do not love yourself first, you can not be satisfied by loving and doing for others.
29. Make a commitment to expand your Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, and Physical well-being.
30. Your most valuable and limited resource is your time. Value it, so others will.
31. Obtain a written job description from your boss. Make any changes needed to keep your agreements.
32. Take pride in your work. You only get One First Impression!
33. Be responsible for your work. Do your best with every opportunity.
34. Only do your job. Do not get conned into permanently assuming another person's job responsibilities.
35. Do not play office politics. Be open and above board in all your relationships. Honor your Integrity.
36. Do not listen to, encourage, or spread gossip. It damages your credibility and others.
37. Talk with your co-workers about how to work together to solve problems.
38. Don't be a "fix it " person for people's problems.
39. When you have a problem, go to the person who can solve that specific problem. Ask questions.
40. Ask questions. When you are not sure, or don't know, get information before taking action.
41. Contribute Become a solution provider for problems, not just a problem discoverer.
42. Leave work. When you go home, Go Home ! Work can be a part of your life, not your whole life.
43. Put your family, career, and Self in perspective; know which is most important and nourish it.
44. Value your emotions. Feel your feelings. Allow yourself to express them appropriately as they occur.
45. Express your anger directly with clarity. Indirect or covert anger only prolongs distress and distrust.
46. When asked, always tell the whole truth to yourself and to others.
47. Respect your own ideas, and have respect for other people's feelings, ideas, and choices.
48. Exercise, walk, stretch, move about. Staying physically fit keeps you mentally fit, emotionally calm, and at peace.
49. Eat healthy foods and chew well. Don't eat just because you are bored, unhappy, or angry.
50. Experience and express joy at being alive, at having choices, and at the opportunity to explore loving relationships.
uuhhh... xcukup 1 lg.... mana pulak ilangnya... ini boleh mendtgkan stress... huhuhu
sapa yg baca satu persatu mesti tau nombor mana yg takde... lalalalala....
Friday, October 19, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Saya perlukan...

Sedang mencari2 idea utk tempat aku buat keje2 craft... hhmm.. kalo ada bilik extra kat umah skang kan ke bagus... boleh gak aku susun & kemas elok2 kain2 felt & tools2 segala...
Dpt buat bilik craft simple2 mcm ni pun ok gak... drawer putih belah kiri ni mcm yg aku beli kat Ikea, tp aku punyer warna merah... mmg plan nak beli lg 1... (tu pun kalo ada lg :P)
Macam ni pun ok gak ek... simple & sgt organise... ada meja utk mesin jahit lg...
& yg ni... inchik hubby boleh dok skali buat pixel beads dia... hehehehe
Jamu mata je la dulu.... nak wat cane? Umah sekangkang kera je.... Brg msg2 byk, penuh sebilik... Baju pun dah sebilik... Tido mmg la sebilik kan... :P
Skang ni aku dok kat ceruk hall wat keje craft aku... sumer ada situ... ingat nak beli beanbag la 1 (da masuk wishlist awal2), boley gak aku bersantai sambil2 menggodek felt... skang ni cuma guna kusyen nikah tu ari je... :D
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Akhirnya... dgn bantuan drpd Asknie berjaya jugak aku masuk blog sendiri.... As, sila timba ilmu2 yg berguna drpd adik tu ye... pastu share ngan ahkak taw.... kuikuikuikui....
tp aku nak apdet haper.... kol brape dah ni... kat umah je la... korang tengok blog lagi 1 la ye...
stengah jam lg nak balik.... (dtg da la lambat, ada hati nak balik on time... eh, tp ari ni aku awal sbb naik teksi... hahahaha) :P
tp aku nak apdet haper.... kol brape dah ni... kat umah je la... korang tengok blog lagi 1 la ye...
stengah jam lg nak balik.... (dtg da la lambat, ada hati nak balik on time... eh, tp ari ni aku awal sbb naik teksi... hahahaha) :P
..... Opis aku yg punya hal... Psl hilang pageview blog aku... Ari ni, dpt tau... Blog pun kena blocked jugak... Haaiiyyyooo... Kadawalleeyyy... Yiiinnggaapppahhh... Patut a nak sign in pun xboley... Bukak blog crafters xboley...
Sgt menurut perintah wahai kamu staff2 IT... Tahniah.. Tawun depan sure dpt bonus 8 bulan, gaji naik mencanak2... Ada kosong ✗ kat IT dept? Tp wa xnak jd kroni...
k lah... Bai :p
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Sgt menurut perintah wahai kamu staff2 IT... Tahniah.. Tawun depan sure dpt bonus 8 bulan, gaji naik mencanak2... Ada kosong ✗ kat IT dept? Tp wa xnak jd kroni...
k lah... Bai :p
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
Monday, October 15, 2012
Seronok yg amat... bila salah 1 bende dlm wishlist aku dah jd kenyataan... hehehehe... yg tumpang excited sapa lg kalo bukan inchik hubby... dia plak yg lebih2 dok peluk mende alah tu... kekekeke....
Mungkin pada korang, apa saja la mende ni boleh buat.... tp pada crafter2 mcm aku, mmg mendambakan mesin ni.... tp disebabkan harganya agak costly... maka terpaksa jugak berpikir berkali2 & bersaving berbulan2... melainkan utk org2 yg berduit, tu sumer xde hal lah... hehe
tu la dia mendenyer.... yg ada pattern zirafah & zebra tu, aku order lg dlm size yg lagi besar.... nak mende apa, xtau lg tp sbb pattern tu cantik sgt, tu yg aku order lg.... :D
Hilang jugak?
aaiikkk... total pageview blog yg ni pun hilang jugak??? nape ni??? adooyyyaaaiiiii.....!!!!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Annoying phone call...
Dlm dok google phone no utk dptkan alamat 1 company tu.. terjumpa pulak blog sedara ni Since aku baru terkena semlm dgn debt collector ambank, aku pun tumpang reply & bg phone no company tu.
Kerana dorg la... xpernah2 aku, abg aku & inchik hubby aku mengamuk... mmg tak pelik la bila yg ramai jadi peguam, debt collector, samseng tu ialah 'kap lam ya nga'! aku tak kata semua tp kebanyakannya... sbb? mungkin salah satu sbb : dorang boleh berckp tanpa henti & sgt bijak memutarbelitkan kenyataan & juga kurang ajar. Ini drpd apa yg aku alami ptg semlm. Suka2 hati kata kita PENIPU & xbyr hutang??? Bila mintak fax no, xnak pulak bg... mintak alamat ofis pun xnak bagi... kita nak backing diri sendiri pun xboleh bila dorg xbenti berckp!!! Jawabnya... mmg kena maki hamun la mereka2 tu...
And at some point... it's not me the one who should face this thing!!! DAMN!!!!
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