Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Aaauuuummmmm..... :D

Pemain-Pemain Malaysia meraikan kejayaan memenangi pingat emas acara bola sepak Sukan SEA XXVI selepas menewaskan Indonesia 4-3 menerusi penentuan sepakan penalti di Stadium Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, malam tadi. – Bernama

1st of all... Tahniah kpd pasukan Harimau Muda... kerana berjaya dpt pingat emas utk Sukan Sea mlm ini... dan tahniah juga kerana telah berjaya memaku punggung saya drpd berganjak ke tempat lain... mmg xsenang duduk dibuatnya, drpd duduk sopan terus bersila, pastu amik bantal... terbaring... terlentang.... ada masa terus menyangkung atas sofa dek kerana permainan korang mlm ni mmg amatlah serius giler psycho deeerrrrrr....!!!!!! Terus-terang aku bukan peminat fanatik sukan bolasepak... aku cuma akan tgk bila Malaysia masuk final je.... hehehe...sadis sungguh.... Alasan aku?.... "apalah sgt game bola ni, bola sebijik pastu g kejar berebut ramai2... pastu gaduh...ntah hapa2" ha.. tu lah alasan aku... selalu bila ada game, org akan tanya team mana lawan... aku x, soklan aku... sapa referree? hehehhe... soklan mengundang org kata.... kekekkee

Dan mlm ni... rasanya twitter aku yg terbanyak selama aku aku ada twitter ni.... setiap minit hapdet okay.... HarimauMuda punya pasal....

Ada yg kata Khairul Fahmi xnampak botol Chivas mlm ni, tp nampak bola je... tu psl perform bagus semcm.... ye ke Fahmi? hahahaha... neway, lu mmg mantap der... keep it up...

Goooooooooooo Malaysia....

Indon? malas ah citer.... kureng la dorg tu.... haaiihhhh....

Monday, November 21, 2011

Abu@John Muska@Sukasukalensa Taweeennnn....

Semlm si Abu pulak kawen... pas sorang.. sorang dak Ada2aje kawen... Selamat Perantin Baru ye Abu & Eleena... sori dtg berlenggang bwk badan je... sungguh mulia hati budi kitorg yg dtg tu kan..? hehehe...

Fizza, aku & Mummy Meera (baru 1st jumpa mummy... tp havocnya borak, mcm dah lama jumpa... hehhe)

& thank you Abu for the bunga telor... pengantin sendiri cabut & bg kitorg... bole gitu? :p

p/s: cerita lawak disebaliknya... akan dikenang sampai bila2... hahahaha....

Friday, November 18, 2011

Tip Melawan Rasa Malas Ketika Bangun Pagi

Amik dr email googlegroup - ada2aje... moh bace...

Apa yang anda lakukan ketika baru membuka mata dan terbangun di pagi hari? Jangankan liat solat subuh malah ramai juga di antara kita yang tidur semula selepas solat subuh. Lambat bangun pagi banyak keburukannya seperti artikel sebelum ini. Tidur Lepas Subuh
Kebanyakan anda pasti akan menjawab malas bangun dan meninggalkan bantal. Hilangkan malas dan susun semangat semasa mula-mula mata terbuka dengan beberapa langkah tepat berikut:
1. Lihatlah Sesuatu Yang Berwarna
“Ketika mata anda terbuka dan melihat sesuatu yang berwarna, adrenalin akan terpicu dan ketika itu pula tenaga anda akan terdorong,” ujar Leatrice Eiseman, pengarah eksekutif dari Pantone Color Institute.
Gunakan warna-warna cerah seperti merah, orange atau kuning pada bantal, selimut atau apapun yang berada dekat area katil ketika anda membuka mata untuk pertama kalinya.
2. Bangun dan lihatlah Bunga Mawar
“Melihat sekuntum bunga mawar ketika terbangun, terutama bagi wanita akan meningkatkan mood dan semangatnya yang akan bertahan sepanjang hari,” kenyataan Nancy Etcoff, PhD, anggota Harvard Medical School and the Harvard University Mind/Brain/Behavior Initiative.
3. Jangan ‘Snooze’ Alarm anda
“Ketika anda menekan snooze, otak anda tahu dan akan berkata bahawa bunyi itu akan mati beberapa minit lagi, sehingga anda akan tertidur lebih lama. Tapi anda akan lebih tak endahkan mendengar bunyi itu daripada ketika mendengar bunyi itu pertama kalinya.
“Strategi yang paling tepat adalah memasang alarm pada jam dimana anda benar-benar akan bangun, jangan ‘set’kan alarm anda lebih awal kerana anda tahu perkara itu hanya akan membuat anda lebih selalu menekan tombol snooze,” kata Jodi Mindell, PhD dari The Sleep Disorders Center at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
4. Bayangkan Aktiviti Sekejap
Ketika anda benar-benar terbangun, tutup mata sekejap dan gambarkan apa yang akan anda kerjakan pada hari itu dengan penuh semangat dan positif. “Berimaginasi tentang aktiviti akan merangsang otak untuk berfikir dan anda akan berusaha mewujudkannya ketika benar-benar beraktiviti,” ujar Dana Lightman, PhD, psikolog dai Abington, PA.
5. Minum Air Segera Setelah Bangun
Meminum segelas air segera setelah terbangun adalah cara yang baik untuk mengganti cairan tubuh yang berkurangan semalamnya. “Segala sesuatu yang terjadi di dalam tubuh memerlukan air. Tanpa air yang cukup, sistem metabolisme dalam tubuh akan bekerja lebih keras yang dapat menyebabkan melemahnya fungsi organ,” ujar Holly Andersen, MD, seorang asisten profesor di Weill Cornell Medical Center.
6. Biarkan Sinar Matahari Masuk
Sinar matahari yang menyentuh kulit akan membuat anda lebih terbangun. Bacalah akhbar tepi tingkap atau keluarlah untuk sekadar minum kopi beberapa minit.
“Cahaya pagi yang masuk ke dalam tubuh bagaikan jam biologi yang akan menghentikan sekresi melatonin, hormon yang membuat seseorang mengantuk dan meningkatkan hormon serotonin yang memicu mood seseorang” ujar James B. Maas, PhD, seorang profesor psikologi di Cornell University.
7. Memicit muka
Memicit di wajah akan meningkatkan sirkulasi darah dan mempercepat bangun tidur. Mulailah memicit dari kening, pipi, trpuk-tepuk dengan tapak tangan, kemudian di kawasan dagu dan akhirnya seluruh muka. Selain meningkatkan sirkulasi darah, gerakan memicit boleh membuat anda ‘panas’ dengan cepat.
8. Bersenamlah Sedikit
Aktiviti fizikal adalah satu cara ampuh untuk mengusir rasa malas. Dapat meningkatkan mood anda kerana beberapa hormon akan keluar, seperti hormon peningkat stamina (testosteron), tenaga (dopamin) dan ketenangan (oxytocin),” ujar Helen E. Fisher, PhD, seorang anthropolog dari Rutgers University.
Alat Ampuh Untuk Yang Liat Bangun Pagi
Lagi sekali tip untuk bangun tidur. Jika sebelum ni tips bangun tidur (baca sini) pun tidak berjaya membuatkan anda meninggalkan bantal kesayangan anda, kini ada satu alat untuk anda bangun tidur dan terus cergas.
Bunyi alarm bagi sebahagian orang tidak akan membuatnya bangun dari tidurnya yang nyenyak tapi bagaimana dengan bunyi letupan bom??
Danger Bomb Clock adalah jam alarm (alarm clock) dengan bunyi ledakan bom yang cukup membuat kita terbangun dari tidurnya.
Dan uniknya, sebelum jam tersebut “meletup”,10 saat sebelum waktunya, jam akan mengeluarkan bunyi peringatan dengan suara dalam perkiraan countdown 10, 9, 8, 7……. (Tapi dalam bahasa Jepun).
Untuk mengelakkan terjadinya letupan ,kita harus untuk mencabut salah satu kabel berwarna yang ada (merah, kuning dan biru) sesuai dengan lampu warna yang menyala disampingnya.
Jangan anggap mudah, kerana kabel yang kita patut cabut tadi akan bertukar setiap hari sehingga kita tidak boleh mengingat kabel mana yang harus dicabut setiap pagi.
Salah cabut???
Maka bersiaplah untuk mendengar bunyi LEDAKAN BOM selama beberapa minit yang akan membuatkan kita terbangun terus dari mimpi..

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dah boley eekkk...

Ngeh3... Tq Hasni, sbb tlg bg link blog td.. Dah kira pass la ni ek... Kekeke.. I looiikkkeee... :p
Try letak gambor laks..


Try test tengok.. Jadi ke ✗?
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

Saturday, November 12, 2011

10 Petanda Dia Jodoh Kita | pemanis kata

Tetibe plak terselit eh.... hehehe... baca je lah :p

10 Petanda Dia Jodoh Kita | pemanis kata


Okay... kes yg tertangguh dah selesai... yg semlm aku dok merapu tu :p...

Now it's time to take another step forward... and it need to take a lot of guts... The responsibilities will be much more tougher... the patience need to be increased... a lot to sacrificed... Even though it is still way too early.... but consequences of getting to the destiny is not that far or maybe it's just around the corner... as time flies so fast.... It's just that, am I ready or not?

Past experience does effect me... and I'm scared.. But I need to overcome that fear... No matter what...

Please stay with me... & hold me tight...


Friday, November 11, 2011


Kenapa dengan tarikh ni ek? Selain drpd kekebetulan angka yang sama pada hari, bulan & tahun... dan jugak waktu... Ada yg kata hari bertuah, ada yg kata xkan dpt lg tarikh yg mcm ni... cuma akan dpt pada 1000 thn lg... mmg xkan hidup lagi la kan... ada yg kata amik berkat so elok diraikan sama ada mendirikan rumahtangga, declaration between couples, mula kerja baru, pindah rumah baru... opening ceremony kedai baru... sign agreement... hhmmm...

Tarikh ni mungkin juga akan menjadi tarikh yg memberikan kenangan pahit & xkan dpt dilupakan pd seseorang... pd diri-sendiri mungkin.. kamu.. kamu... & kamu... :)

Dan pada aku... hari ni hari kosong aku... kosong segala-galanya... kenapa???

Ada persoalan yg masih belum terjawab... ada kata yg masih belum terungkap... ada rahsia yg masih belum dikongsi... Makanya.. tarikh ni tak memberikan apa2 makna pada aku...

Takde kenangan manis yg boleh dikenang... takde peristiwa yg boleh dibangga...

Damn!! kenapa aku jiwang sgt ni... Lek aaaaaa.... huhuhu

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Internet Opis Kena Blocked???!!!

Waaaahhhh... mmg kena berkorban betul la lepas raya haji ni... ok kwn2 ku sekelian di TRC, mulai sekarang tingkatkan prestasi & mutu kerja anda ye... harap2 appraisal tahun depan semua dapat A, naik gaji mencanak2 & dpt bonus 12 bulan setiap sorang... muahahaha...kalau xdpt jugak, tu makna korang mmg xlayak la jd staff TRC... termasuklah aku skali.... kekekeke....

Bosan dowh... kebanyakan website telah dipagari oleh dinding2 konkrit... yg mana pasti ada staff ala2 McGyver akan cuba menerobos dinding konkrit iteewww... pssttt... groupon.my pun kena block... apa kes? ngoksss.... FB jgn kata la kan... mmg lama dah kena block, jln belakang pun dah kena ambush... apa cer??? Sib baik aku ada BB... ni ingat nak sambar BB Playbook sebijik, bg puashati... nak angkut lappy ke opis tiap2 ari xkuasa aku, walaupun aku drive g keje, mengangkut lappy yg berat itu tetap menjadi satu bebanan!! huh...

Actually ada jugak kebaikan & keburukan atas keputusan pem'block'an internet kat opis ni...
Apa yg baiknya...???
1) Mengurangkan perbelanjaan secara online melalui FB. (situ dah jimat duit)
2) Staff akan dpt memberi fokus yg lebih terhadap kerja (kerja cepat siap, xde tangguh2)
3) No chatting2... dah xde gtalk, xde ym, xde msn... kecuali skype... skype??? nape skype boleh? .. sbb bosses byk guna skype!!! tu pun xtau eh? :p


Apa yg buruknyer...??
1) Bertambah butalah staff yg sememangnya buta IT
2) Xleh shopping kat FB, dorang leh shopping kat shopping blogs (sbb blog x block) :p hehe
3) Staff sure depress... xde hiburan... dah radio online pun kena cantas gak... cemano tu?
4) Rasanya akan mengakibatkan turnover yg lebih pd thn2 akan dtg... huhuhu (sumer pakat cari keje lain)

etc..etc... korang pikir la sendiri.. kepala aku pun dah blocked gak neh... :D

Ni aku copy & paste drpd website kellyglobal.net... kot2 la ada sapa2 nak implement bende yg sama kat opis korang kan... sila consider perkara2 yg disebutkan... :)

How to Deal with Staff Internet Abuse

The Internet and Business Operations Everyone knows that the Internet is a wonderful tool for finding information, expression, entertainment, news, and gaining knowledge of almost any subject your mind can imagine. Even sophisticated corporate “intranets,” linking company computers together permitting information transfer, file sharing, and teamwork, are usually also partnered with full Internet access.
Just as sophisticated electronic telephone systems with integrated voice mail and links to company departments, individuals, and stored corporate information became effective communication staples of business in the 1970s and 1980s, the Internet takes corporate communication, marketing, and information to new levels of achievement.
But, much like the management concerns of the former era – personal and other non-business related phone calls - inappropriate use of the Internet is often a primary concern of today’s corporations.
Internet Abuse
Internet Use Should Not be Banned or Severely Restricted at Work Some companies have succumbed to the option of imposing severe restrictions or mandating outright bans of Internet use by staff. In most cases, using this “easy” solution, instead of more thoughtful policies, has proven to be detrimental if not disastrous to employee performance and productivity.
For example, in the UK, studies indicate that businesses that restrict or ban staff Internet use lose around 4 billion pounds annually (between $6 and $8 billion US). This, of course, is precisely the opposite of the intended effect of Internet restrictions.
You could compare Internet restriction policies to the cutting of payroll and staff to improve the bottom line before examining other ways of maximizing profit. In this case, the company loses many valuable employees and remaining staff exhibits anger, remorse, fear, and decreased productivity. Management should carefully consider the potential ramifications of staff Internet restrictions and/or bans. How to Manage Employee Internet Access in the Office The key appears to be effective management of Internet access available to your staff. Here are some overall suggestions that managers should consider to develop an effective Internet usage policy for their specific companies.
  • Understand the focus and personality of your staff. While there are few companies that would benefit from having staff spending the workday with their fantasy football teams or shopping on eBay, there are positives to permitting personal Internet access at certain times during the day. For example, recent surveys in the UK indicate that almost 60% of the employees polled preferred to skip their “tea breaks” (coffee breaks) and spend ten minutes at their desks surfing the Net. As workforces get younger, this trend should continue.
  • Learn the difference between Internet addiction and enjoyment. Understand that there is a huge difference between employees who enjoy the Internet and those who are addicted to it. Just as you try to identify and help employees who have become addicted to gambling, drugs, alcohol, etc., management should identify employees who may have an Internet addiction. Instead of staff-wide penalties by imposing ‘Net restrictions, management can focus on the few employees that have difficulty identifying appropriate Internet use on the job.
  • Learn about the reasons for and causes of apparent workplace Internet abuse. There are, as yet, no easy or proven theories explaining the reasons for Internet abuse, or workable solutions. Researchers have identified a level of “seduction” the Internet offers. Employees, suffering workplace or personal stresses, do get “pleasant feelings” from a five minute ‘Net surf, much like a coffee or cigarette break. This appears to be not harmful to performance. However, if severe stress at work or at home causes the employee to abuse Internet time, performance will suffer and management should take appropriate action to resolve the issue.
  • Take this issue seriously and make employees aware of management’s position. Neither ignore nor work surreptitiously to secretly correct the problem. Tell your staff that the company is aware of this issue and will correct the problem. Use memos, fliers, company newsletters, and staff meetings to address the issue. Even those employees who “grumble” a bit understand that their focus should be on performing their jobs, not surfing the Internet while they are “on the clock.”
  • Develop and publish an “Internet use” policy. Remove any staff feelings that management has prejudices, uninformed opinions, or disrespect for staff by publishing a reasonable Internet use policy. Sure, there may be employees that dispute this policy just as some disagree with personnel, operations, or sick leave policies. But, the majority will now understand that management is serious and an accepted pattern of professional behaviour is now in writing and will be enforced.
Many companies that have implemented these action plans have enjoyed an added benefit. Reasonable Internet use delivers valuable information and knowledge to the user. Many employees, while using the Internet for technically non-work related reasons, have learned more about their job, their company, and their industry. Some average employees often suggest some surprising and effective ideas for improving company products or operations. Management should consider the phrase “reasonable Internet use” when addressing this issue to generate maximum positive results.
okeh... tu je untuk mlm ni... renung2kan & selamat bekerja... hahahaha... addiiooosss

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

From The Bottom Of My Heart....

My Family
I know that I'm not a good daughter to my dear parents & a sister to my brothers... I'm not good enough in every way.. I admit that I am a rebel in the family... Sometimes, I can be very mean... I am so sorry... It's not my intention to hurt everyone's heart... it's just that sometimes I feel that I have been set aside... And for that reason, I prefer to do everything on my own... I try to be independence... I need to have & enjoy my own life.. For once... I need your all understanding & trust, to give me a chance to live on own my life... I am wise enough to think and to see the good and bad side of life... With your guide and priceless advise, InsyaAllah... everything will be just fine... Just give me a CHANCE... That's all I need.

My Love
I am so thankful to You, Ya Allah... for giving me another chance to meet someone that I've dream of... he is kind, loving, gentleman, understanding & willing to accept me as who I am... There's nothing I could ask for more. Only that, I wish this will be the last for all... I need no other journey to find my one... enough is enough, I don't think I can take it anymore... I have been through all the sacrifices, time & so many heartbroken...

And to you My Love... I didn't ask for more either... you have everything that I want but you gave me more than what I need... Please don't ever change... Thank you SAYANG... :)

My Friends
Dear Friends... thank you for being there for me. Thank you for lending me your shoulders for me to cry on.. I appreciate for all your kindness, advise, attention and love. Millions apology for my bad behavior, mood swing and nasty words... it's just me. I'm not perfect in every way... I need your companion... to guide me to go thru the path of life... to the good side of happiness.. May we be the very best of friends till the end of time... until the last of my breath...

My Heart...
Today, I'm feeling a bit down... for only a very small conversation at home but I have been wrongly thought as an ill-mannered... Been trying to figure out, where did I say wrong... As far as I concerned, I didn't raise my voice at all... it's just that I'm only expressing my feelings for my new cardigan that suddenly turn to orange instead of white???!!! OK... better don't say anything... just buy a new one... end of story... tq mum...

p/s: sorry for my broken english.. becoz sometimes "I feel stupid when I speak Malay"... hahahah.... *dduuuhhh*

Monday, November 7, 2011

I'll never Love This Way Again

Aku suka banget sama ini lagu... bukan sbb aku tgh angau ke apa... tp mmg lagu ni beeessttt sgt.... aku xkisah biar dgr berulang2 kali....

You look inside my fantasies
And make each one come true
Something no one else had ever found a way to do
I've kept the mem'ries one by one
Since you took me in
And I know I'll never love this way again

I know I'll never love this way again
so I keep holdin' on before the good is gone
I know I'll never love this way again
hold on, hold on, hold on...

A fool will lose tomorrow reaching back for yesterday
I won't turn my head in sorrow if you should go away
I'll stand here and remember just how good it's been
and I know I'll never love this way again

I know I'll never love this way again
so I keep holdin' on before the good is gone
I know I'll never love this way again
hold on, hold on, hold on...

I know I'll never love this way again
so I keep holdin' on before the good is gone
I know I'll never love this way again
hold on, hold on, hold on...

Just in case, aku da tukar lagu background blog ni, korang still leh enjoy thru Youtube ni k...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Salam AidilAdha...

Kepada yg pulang ke kampung, semoga selamat sampai... memandu tu xyah laju2, biar lambat asal selamat... kalo penat benti dulu kat R&R, rehat dulu... minum dulu... dah lepas tu baru gerak semula.... okay?

Seperti biasa, xkira raya apa pun, aku tetap setia meraikannya di KL aje.... td nampak da ada lembu2 kat surau dlm 3-4 ekor, thn ni xtau pulak berapa ekor wat korban, lom sempat tanya ayah lg...

Anjat gegerl td :p, tetiba dgr bunyi lembu... kuat lak tu. Mana xnya, surau sebelah umah je ha.... huhuhu... & seperti biasa jugak setiap thn, tugas aku mensetelkan segala apa yg dpt dari korban tu, 1 special request aku kat ayah selalunya lah.... tali perut & paru.... peberet wa tu deeerrrr.... tali perut wat masak gulai lomak... paru goreng berempah.... ppeeehhhhh... mantaaappppp!!! hahaha....

Selamat Berkorban ye semua.... salam :)

Couple Love Squid

As per special request drpd si pemunya sotong biru, akhirnya berjaya disiapkan dlm masa 2 hari... semangat membara nak siapkan tu... hehehe....

Ooopppsss... sori... nama si sotong biru belom boley ditayangkan lg ye.....hiikksss :p

Couple squid in da makin'....
tetiba terkeluar pulak hati si sotong biru.... huhuhu
Akhirnya... hati itu disambut mesra oleh si sotong pink... ala2 surprise gitu... hahahah...
poyo.... :p

okeh... tu je utk mlm ni... amacam? comey x? :)

my popeye still on board rasanya ni... monday balik, hhaaaiiiihhh... windu wooo.... dulu sebelom ada apa2, xde plak kesah dia nak g memana.... skang ni da lain mcm la pulak...
Cepatla balik Awaakkkk... couple squid awak dah siap niiiii!!!!! ;-(

Geng Mengopi

Sori la geng.... aku xdpt join korang... bukan xnak, naaaakkkkk sgt... tp masalah yg problemnyer, MALAM... aku ni kuar siang2 xde hal... malalm kalu, sikit masalah juga ada la... pic2 ni aku cilok dr fb Wan Ija & Dayang... hehehe... buat kenangan... Dayang, ko siap tag aku kat mamak ek.. xde tempat lain ko nak tag aku ke? addeeessss....

Friday, November 4, 2011

Berjaya Akhirnya

yeeaayyy... akhirnyer berjaya menyahkan background shabbyblogs.com yg ntah apa2 iteewww.... tq my dear Syafiq... U r ma man... hehehehe... ok, dah bertukar kaler background blog aku... i looiikkeee.... Pasni kena g tuition ngan cikgu syafiq la pulak... cara2 mengedit blog... :p

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Sapa terer pasal blog2 ni? Nak mintak tolong ni... tolong tunjukkan cara nak remove current background.. Jenuh aku nak tukar background blog aku ni ha... xgak dpt2...
Aku guna bakcground dr shabbyblogs.com.. tgk gak cara nak remove background tu... tp apa bende ntah xpaham... :(

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Mami Birthday Dinner 31/10/11

Lokasi Kejadian: Restoran Istana Bambu, Jalan Ulu Klang.
Tarikh Kejadian: 31/10/2011 @ 8pm
Suspek yg terlibat: Seluruh ahli keluarga kecuali kakak ipar...

Dah mcm buat polis report pulak... :p

ada pondok bersebelahan entrance...

ini dia... ayahanda & bonda.... Puan Zaiton Sharif & En. Samsudin Gimon... :)

abg yg sulung... with my mum & dad

my family...
Dah abis mkn baru nak amik gambar... time lauk baru sampai x teringat la pulak...
So far... agak sedap jugak la makan yg diorder, cepat dpt sbb mungkin masa tu belum ramai org dtg... bbuurrppp... alhamdulillah...

ni abg no. 3... Eddie

aku la ni... sapa lg kan.... :p

Menarik jugak tempat ni time malam... tp kalau siang sure boring... sbb xde lighting yg ala2 kelam gitu...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Our Song.... Je'taime ...

Feeling2 sket skang ni... sowi ek... biasalah, org kalau tengah angau kan... jgn muntah plak ek... lagu instrumental ni ialah lagu theme kitorg... aku yg pilih... sbb pd aku musicnyer sgt relaxing... walhal, lagu yang bebetulnya adalah sgt erotic... pphheewww..... berpeluh kalo dengar... hahaha...

To my Popeye... (lupa nak citer kat 'awak'.... i called u Popeye sbb u selalu away on board.... hehehe) Popeye the sailorman.... tooottt ttoootttt... jgn marah, i love u.... muuaaahhh.... :p